
Chrome update for mac os x
Chrome update for mac os x

For example it said Chrome 87, released at the end of last year, was “the largest gain in Chrome performance in years.” Under-the-hood performance improvements were said to improve everything from CPU usage, power efficiency, and startup times. Google has made similar promises about previous Chrome releases.

chrome update for mac os x

High-end Android devices running on Android 10 and newer with at least 8GB of RAM should also load pages 8.5 percent faster, and be 28 percent smoother to use.


There are also a host of improvements specific to Android, which google says result in 5 percent less memory usage, fewer crashes, 7.5 percent faster startup, 2 percent faster page loads, and a 13 percent faster startup. Google Chrome is available for Mac OS X 10.6 or later, which means people running Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, OS X 10.7 Lion and OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard can install Chrome in their mac.

chrome update for mac os x

On Windows, Google says it’s seeing “significant memory” savings of up to 22 percent in the “browser process,” 8 percent in the renderer, 3 percent in the GPU, and that overall browser responsiveness is improved by up to 9 percent.

chrome update for mac os x

On Windows and Android, the browser is also using a more advanced memory allocator across more areas to further reduce memory usage, and increase browser responsiveness. Google Chrome version 39 has released today, with the new update including a number of large features for desktop users across all major platforms.

Chrome update for mac os x